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수감자 가족을 위한 일기장이 있다? 수감자 가족여러분 가족분중에 구속이 된 가족이 있다면 일기장하나 아무곳에 놓고 쓰기 쉽지 않다는 것을 알고 수감자가족을 위한 일기장 앱을 출시 했습니다. ​ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maccrey.navi_diary_release NAVI Diary - Apps on Google Play Diary for prisoners' families play.google.com ​ 수감자의 심리상태나 수감기간에 따른 여러 정보및 스케쥴러를 제공합니다. ​ 2024. 4. 10.
개인개발자 여러분 구글플레이 비공개테스트 20명 모으는 방법을 공개합니다. Tester Share App is....?  After November 13, 2023, a policy was implemented on Google Play requiring new individual developers to have at least 20 testers participate for 14 days before registering an app.In response to this, developers, facing difficulty in gathering testers, have formed mutually beneficial relationships and are collaborating through Tester Share to test each other's apps.This .. 2024. 4. 10.
Solution for private testing with 20 users for Google Play deployment [Tester Share] Tester Share App is....? After November 13, 2023, a policy was implemented on Google Play requiring new individual developers to have at least 20 testers participate for 14 days before registering an app. In response to this, developers, facing difficulty in gathering testers, have formed mutually beneficial relationships and are collaborating through Tester Share to test each other's apps. This.. 2024. 4. 10.