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Understanding CRUD Operations in Traditional Servers vs. Blockchain

by Maccrey 2024. 4. 19.

In traditional server-client architectures, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are fundamental for managing data within databases.

These operations allow applications to interact with stored data, enabling functionalities like creating new records, retrieving existing ones, updating information, and deleting unnecessary data.

However, when we shift our focus to blockchain technology, the perspective on data management undergoes a significant transformation.

In the realm of blockchain, the architecture is designed with a primary emphasis on data immutability and decentralization.

As a result, blockchain systems primarily facilitate read-only operations, with the ability to create new data entries, read existing ones, and verify the integrity of stored information.

This contrasts with the traditional CRUD operations found in centralized server architectures.


Here's how the CRUD operations translate into blockchain functionality

  1. Create (C) 
    In a blockchain network, the "Create" operation corresponds to the ability to add new data entries to the distributed ledger.
    These entries, often referred to as transactions, contain immutable records of events or interactions on the network.
    Each new transaction is appended to the existing chain of blocks, forming a chronological and tamper-proof record of data.

  2. Read (R)
    Reading data in a blockchain context involves accessing and retrieving information from the distributed ledger. Users can query the blockchain to view specific transactions, verify the authenticity of data, and track the history of recorded events.
    The transparent and decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that data integrity is maintained across all nodes in the network.

  3. Update (U)
    Unlike traditional databases where data can be updated or modified after creation, blockchain technology prioritizes immutability.
    Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it becomes part of a permanent and unalterable history.
    While it is technically possible to update data in some blockchain systems through supplementary transactions or smart contracts, these updates are appended as new entries rather than modifying existing ones.

  4. Delete (D)
    The concept of deletion contradicts the fundamental principles of blockchain, which advocates for the preservation of all historical data. In blockchain networks, data deletion is not supported in the traditional sense. Instead, outdated or irrelevant information can be marked as inactive or archived, but it remains accessible for audit trails and historical reference.

In summary, while traditional server architectures implement CRUD operations to manage data with flexibility, blockchain networks prioritize data immutability and decentralization, offering a distinct approach to data management.
By understanding these differences, developers can design applications that leverage the unique features of blockchain technology while accommodating specific use cases and regulatory requirements.
