Recruiting 20 app testers for a private test.

2024. 5. 21. 18:23Flutter/Flutter App Deploy


The biggest concern for individual developers these days is recruiting 20 beta testers for private testing. Since November 13, 2023, new individual developers need to recruit and maintain 20 testers for 14 days to release their apps on Google Play.

For individual developers, registering as a business entity and recruiting 20 testers for private testing is often too complicated and involves too much paperwork.

Recruiting testers for private testing is not easy in reality. Here are some practical methods:

  • Ask acquaintances: This involves asking friends, family, and acquaintances. It's free but may take time to explain to non-developers. Costs such as coffee, meals, or drinks may arise.
  • KakaoTalk group for free app testing: Completely free, but there may be a waiting list due to popularity.( )
  • Tester Share App
    This platform allows developers to help each other globally. It's free and offers bug reporting features to reduce bugs before release. Available in Korean, Japanese, and English.


When using email to request participation, there is a disadvantage where even emails from the same Google account are often classified as 'spam,' leading to a decrease in participation rates. To address this, using an internal messaging service can boost participation rates and convenience. With this method, participants can receive a registration confirmation and participation URL with just one click.
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Tester Share [테스터쉐어] - Google Play 앱

Tester Share로 Google Play 앱 등록을 단순화하세요.



  • Open chat (KakaoTalk group chat): Free but may involve a lot of time and energy due to potential spam.( )
  • Outsourcing to companies that provide 20 testers: There are companies like Kmong or Soomgo that offer this service for a fee. Prices are relatively affordable, but be cautious of potential scams.

Please note

While 20 testers need to be maintained for 14 days, some testers may cancel their participation before the 14 days end. Therefore, continuous recruitment until the end of the release is recommended.
